



       楚胜汽车集团有限公司是中车城市交通有限公司旗下的一家具有自主研发能力的重点专用汽车制造企业,前身为厦工楚胜(湖北)专用汽车制造有限公司,公司始建于2002年9月,2018年12月与中车城市交通有限公司下属的卓越汽车有限公司重组,更名为湖北楚胜汽车有限公司。公司坐落在“炎帝神农故里”、“ 编钟古乐之乡”、“专用汽车之都”的随州高新技术产业园区,是湖北省高新技术企业。 

   CHUSHENG VEHICLE GROUP CO.,LTD. is a national key special purpose vehicle manufacturing enterprise with independent research and development capabilities under the CRRC City Transportation Co., Ltd., formerly known as Xiagong Chusheng (Hubei) Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the company was founded in September 2002 and reorganized with Excellence Automobile Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC City Transportation Co., Ltd. in December 2018, and changed its name to Hubei Chusheng Vehicle Co., Ltd. The company is located in Suizhou National High-tech Industrial Park, which is the "hometown of Yandi Shennong", and the "hometown of chimes ancient music", and the "metropolis of Chinas special purpose vehicles". It is a high and new technology enterprises in Hubei province.   


  The company covers a total area of 700,000 square meters and a building area of 270,000 square meters. The company has nearly 1,000 employees, among which 60 are engaged in professional technology research and development. It has a R&D team with strong technical force and has obtained more than 30 national patents. The companys main products have seven series of nearly 500 varieties, including dangerous chemicals tanker series products, sanitation truck series products, special emergency vehicle series products, engineering truck series products, etc. Among them, the companys leading product refueling truck sales ranked first in the country for twelve consecutive years, the sales of wrecker series products ranked the top three in the country for seven consecutive years, the sales of compressed garbage truck and aerial work vehicle series products ranked the top ten in the country for eight consecutive years, and the products are exported to 13 countries and regions such as Europe, America and Southeast Asia. The company has more than 500 sets of advanced special purpose vehicle production and testing equipment, and has formed seven special purpose vehicle production lines, which can produce 30,000 special purpose vehicles each year. 

  企业注册商标“00.png”系商标,“楚胜”产品系湖北名牌产品;公司拥有国防武器装备科研生产单位资质、消防车生产资质、压力容器低温液体储罐等生产资质等;多次被工商总局、湖北省人民授予“守合同重信用企业”,连续五年被中共随州市委、市人民授予“突出贡献企业”,被工业和信息化部授予 “工业品牌培育示范企业”。   

  The trademark “00.png”registered by the enterprise is a well-known trademark in China, "Chusheng" products are Hubei famous brand products. The company has the qualifications for the scientific research and production units of national defense weapons and equipment, the production qualification of fire trucks production, the production qualification of cryogenic liquid storage tanks for pressure vessels, etc. It has been awarded “Honoring Contracts and Standing Reputation Enterprise” by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Peoples Government of Hubei Province for many times. It has been awarded “Outstanding Contribution Enterprise” by Suizhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal Peoples Government for five consecutive years, and was awarded “National Industrial Brand Cultivation Demonstration Enterprises” by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.  


  In the process of development, the company always adheres to innovation drive and brand leadership, continuously improves product quality and management level, adheres to the road of scientific and technological innovation scale development, enhances the core competitiveness of enterprises, and the market share has increased year by year, the operating benefit is  improved steadily. In order to meet the new demands of the market under the “new normal” development model of Chinese economy, the enterprise accelerate the innovation drive and transformation and upgrading, and the products are transforming into new energy, intelligent and lightweight. Relying on CRRC City Transportation Co., Ltd.s advantages in brand, technology, resources and other aspects, try to build the growth pole of special automobile characteristic industry, boost Hubei Chusheng Vehicle Co., Ltd. to become futher bigger and stronger, and achieve the development goal of 10 billion yuan in five years.

      专业创造价值,诚信铸就未来! 楚胜汽车遵循“以人为本、用户至上”的企业理念,坚持“重质量、抓改进、讲诚信、树品牌”的质量方针。我们深切感受到“合作发展,共同提高”的必要,我们楚胜人将以饱满的热情期待着与各界人士的合作,共创中国汽车工业的辉煌!